In the particular case of the example shown in the following diagram, where the firing tank should fire on the side armour of the target tank but is unable to do so (the side of the target is protected by an obstacle), the firing tank targets the front (or rear) armour instead.
For this shot to be legal, players will still need to show at least two straight lines from the front point of the hexagon of the firing tank to the hexagon of the target tank.
As part of the target is obscured, subtract a -1 bonus from the D10 shot dice roll.

Roll a D10 dice. Add or subtract any relevant shot modifiers given below. According to this list, apply the number rolled to indicate the success or failure of your shot:
From 1 to 5: The shot missed its target. 6 or 7: The shot hit the target but gains no additional penetration bonus
8: The shot hit the target and receives a +10 penetration bonus 9: The shot hit the target and receives a +20 penetration bonus
10: The shot hit the target and receives a +30 penetration bonus 11 or more: The shot hit the target and receives a +50 penetration bonus
The more precise your shot is, the more you increase your chances of hitting a sensitive point on your opponent's tank!
These bonuses and restrictions can be applied to each shot to determine its success or failure:
If the firing tank started the turn in a stationary position: Add a +1 bonus to your D10 roll
If the firing tank started the turn in movement:
Subtract a -1 bonus from the D10 roll
If the firing tank moves its turret to fire:
Subtract a -2 bonus from the D10 roll. You may reposition rotating turrets to point forward at the beginning of the next turn.
If the target tank is in movement:
Subtract a -1 bonus from the D10 roll
If the target tank is partially protected by an obstacle:
Subtract a -1 bonus from the D10 roll
If the target tank is 5 hexagons or less from your tank:
Add a +1 bonus to your D10 Roll
All of these modifications are added to those generated, if any, by the various Tiles.
If you hit a tank with your shot, roll a D100 and add the result to your penetration value (printed on the tank's game card) and also any additional bonus generated by rolling 8, 9, 10 or 11 on the initial shot dice. If the result is superior to the armour value on the target tank at the point of impact, that tank is destroyed. If not, the shell "ricochets" and doesn't pierce the target tank's armour.
You fire your T34-85 (penetration value 118) on the front armour of a Panther (front armour value 177). You roll 8 (after other modifiers are applied) on your D10 shot dice to determine of you hit the Panther. A value of 8 means that you hit the opponent's tank and you receive a +10 penetration bonus. You then roll a D100 and score 57. You total penetration value is 118+10+57=185. As the front armour on the Panther is only 177, it is destroyed by your shot.
When a tank is destroyed it stays on the game surface. Turn it on its side or upside down to indicate that it is destroyed. It is now considered to be an obstacle that blocks movement and the line of sight.
A Critical D100 Roll
A critical roll represents one of the extreme cases which happen during a tank battle. It is considered a "natural" roll and no other modifiers are added.
If you roll from 96 to 100, the target is automatically destroyed, whatever the penetration value of the firing tank or armour value of the target tank. On the other hand, if the D100 shows a score from 01 to 05, the shell is a dud and the shot fails.